Archie (TV Series)
The four-part drama series will tell the story of Cary Grant’s life, from his humble beginnings as Archie Leach in Bristol, England to the Hollywood leading man he became.
- Director Jeff Pope
- Cast Calam Lynch, Charles Camrose, Christian Lees, Ellie Macdowall, Harriet Walter, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Ian McNeice, Ian Puleston-Davies, Jason Isaacs, Jason Watkins, Jessica Claire Preddy, Jo Price, Kara Tointon, Kelly Coughlin, Laura Aikman, Lily Travers, Linda John-Pierre, Lisa Faulkner, Lolly Jones, Mary Stillwaggon Stewart, Niamh Cusack, Oaklee Pendergast, Olivia Frances Brown, Samantha Colley, Stella Stocker, Teddy Thomas
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